
Barochamber - a therapeutic procedure consisting in placing the patient for a certain period of time in a special chamber, the atmosphere of which is saturated with a large amount of oxygen under pressure.
Price of the procedure
20 000kzt

The therapeutic procedure consists of placing the patient for a certain period of time in a special chamber, the atmosphere of which is saturated with a large amount of oxygen under pressure. 

As a result, significantly more oxygen is bound to the blood and increased oxygenation of all tissues and organs is achieved. Most patients experience normalization of blood pressure and restoration of heart rhythm. In most cases, the effects of chronic stress, fatigue, and insomnia are completely eliminated.


Oxygen also has a beneficial effect on the skin. The inclusion of hyperbaric oxygenation in the treatment of dermatologic diseases allows for faster complete healing. Due to the fact that oxygen is an active oxidizer, it effectively binds and removes toxins that accumulate in the intercellular space in case of its deficiency.


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